The Official Blog of The Fence Authority

What are the most popular fence styles?

Here at The Fence Authority, we’ve been selling and installing fences for over 25 years. We like to think we know a thing or two about which fence styles are the most popular. We track the trends and make sure that we have the top 20 most popular fence styles in stock all the time. This makes it easy for our customers and contractors to get their fence materials quickly, and with the confidence that they’re getting on-trend styles. Here’s a breakdown of the top 20 most popular styles that we always keep in stock here at TFA (in no particular order):

1. 6′ high Cedartech privacy tongue & groove

tongue groove privacy fence

2. 6′ high Cedartech lattice-top tongue & groove

white cedar privacy fence

3. 6′ high Cedartech privacy fence – 1×4 boards

dog ear privacy wooden fence

4. 6′ high Cedartech privacy fence – 1×5 boards

privacy fencing

5. 4′ high Cedartech contemporary picket

spaced picket

6. 6′ high Cedartech spruce stockade

spruce stockade fence

7. Cedartech 2 rail natural split rail

split rail

8. Cedartech 3 rail natural split rail


9. Cedartech 4 rail natural split rail

split rail fence

10. Cedartech 2 rail pressure treated split rail

rail fence

11. Cedartech 3 rail pressure treated split rail

rail pressure treated split rail

12. Cedartech 4 rail pressure treated split rail

rail pressure treated split rail

13. Cedartech 3 board slip board

board slip board

14. 6′ high Activeyards vinyl privacy Dogwood, home series (white and sand)

white vinyl fence

15. 4′ high Activeyards aluminum Bedrock, harbor series (black)

Activeyards aluminum Bedrock, harbor series

16. 4′ high Activeyards aluminum Bedrock, home series (black)

black aluminum pool fence

17. 54″ high Activeyards aluminum Amethyst, harbor series (black)

black aluminum fence

18. 54″ high Activeyards aluminum Amethyst, home series (black)

Activeyards aluminum Amethyst, home series

19. 54″ high Activeyards aluminum Granite, harbor series (black)

Activeyards aluminum Granite, harbor series

20. 54″ high Activeyards aluminum Granite, home series (black)

Activeyards aluminum Granite, home series

There are so many other fence styles out there, but these are the bestsellers! If you’re looking for a fence that has style, security, and strength, look no further than the fences on this page. Need help choosing a style that works best for you? Check out our fence styles blog post.

To order fence parts or schedule professional installation,
call 800-431-4303 or contact us online!

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