What Fence Type Should I Get?
The right fence type can really enhance the look of your home and add a healthy dose of curb appeal. But which kind of fence is right for you? Here are three things to consider when deciding what fence style you should get.

Should I Paint or Stain My Fence?
There are three basic options for “finishing” a fence: painting, staining, or leaving it natural. There are benefits and drawbacks to each option. We are here to help you decide which route is the best for you!

How to Easily Build a Custom DIY Fence
There are various reasons why you might be interested in building a custom fence. Maybe your property has unique features that present challenges. Maybe you just want to enhance your curb appeal with something no one else has. In these situations, DIYing a custom fence may be the way to go. Plus, by building your own fence, you will save money on installation, and you’ll take pride in the accomplishment of making something that’s both functional and aesthetically enjoyable for years.

How to Estimate the Cost of a New Privacy Fence
Looking for a way to make your backyard a bit more private and separated from your neighbors? Want to allow your furry friends to have full range of your yard without a leash? Looking for a little added security? If you answered yes, then a privacy fence might just be the perfect addition to your backyard.

How to DIY Fence Posts that Stay Put
When you take on a DIY fence installation project, a lot of decisions are left entirely up to you. This is great if you already know what to do, but not if you’re stuck wondering which installation method to choose. One of the most important installation decisions to make is how to set your fence posts in the ground. Without secure posts, your fence won’t stand much of a chance against the elements! Let’s explore how to ensure your fence posts stay put.

How to Build a DIY Fence on a Slope
While few yards come close to being perfectly flat, significantly sloped yards present specific challenges for homeowners who want to build their own DIY fences. Don’t let that discourage you—a challenge doesn’t make the project impossible by any means. Many a homeowner with an uneven yard has prevailed and built their dream fence anyway.