Which comes first, the fence or the pool?
So, you want a pool?
If you’re considering building a pool, now is a good time to think about a fence. Every pool requires a fence. It’s important to understand that when you build a pool you’ll need a fence and your existing fence may need to be updated. If you’d like to get a fence now but aren’t ready for the pool yet, make sure that whatever fence you get meets the current pool code.

Granite Drop Rail Home in Pewter
Pool Code Basics
Here are some basic guidelines for pool codes:
- Nationwide, the IRC (International Residential Code) code is the minimum standard.
- Pool codes can vary from municipality to municipality, so it is best to check your local laws.
- Any body of water more than 24 inches deep is considered a pool and must meet pool safety requirements.
- Fences must be at least 4 feet high and contain the entirety of the pool.
- All fence gates must be self-closing and self-latching and open outward (away from the pool).
- All doors leading to the pool area must have an audible warning device if no other gate or door is between the house and the pool.
- If a pool is above ground and the wall is higher than 48 inches, the wall counts as a fence.

Chestnut Haven in White
There are many more factors to consider for a fence to meet pool code. Review the IRC and municipal codes closely. Be aware that any material, be it wood, vinyl or aluminum, can be appropriate for a pool, as long as the proper code is met. This code addresses issues like spacing of pickets, height, etc.

Signature T&G with Lattice Topper
There are many fences that meet the pool code but some of the most popular styles do not. Ask your fence professional if the fence you like meets the pool code prior to purchase.
There’s a lot to consider when getting a fence for a pool, but rest assured that here at The Fence Authority we know the rules and will help guide you to the right fence for your property.
To order fence parts or schedule professional installation,
call 800-431-4303 or contact us online!